How Running a BBS Shaped My Path in Information Security

Today, I want to share with you how my early experiences with Magick Mountain BBS laid the foundation for my career in information security and my role at MicroSolved.


It all started in the late 80s when my fascination with telecommunications and the allure of digital communication systems led me to discover the world of Bulletin Board Systems (BBS). By 1989, I had launched Magick Mountain BBS, a platform that began as a simple operation on an IBM PC clone and evolved into a sophisticated network on an Amiga 500, serving a bustling community interested in everything from programming to hacking.

Running Magick Mountain was like stepping into a new world where information was at our fingertips, albeit not as seamlessly as it is today with the internet. This was a world where modems connected curious minds, and every conversation could spark an idea. The BBS hosted discussions on a myriad of topics, from technology to social issues, and became a central hub for like-minded individuals to connect and share knowledge.

The technical challenges were significant. Setting up and maintaining the BBS required a deep understanding of hardware and software. I juggled DOS systems, dealt with dual floppy setups, and later navigated the complexities of Amiga OS. Each upgrade taught me resilience and the importance of staying current with technological advances, skills that are crucial in the ever-evolving field of cybersecurity.

But what truly shaped my career was the community management aspect. Magick Mountain was more than just a platform; it was a community. Managing this community taught me the delicate balance of fostering open communication while ensuring a safe environment—paralleling the core challenges of modern cybersecurity.

These early experiences honed my skills in handling sensitive information and spotting vulnerabilities, paving the way for my transition into the corporate world. They ingrained in me a hacker’s mindset of curiosity and pragmatism, which later became instrumental in founding MicroSolved in 1992. Here, I applied the lessons learned from BBS days to real-world information security challenges, helping businesses protect themselves against cyber threats.

Reflecting on the evolution from BBS to today’s digital ecosystems, the principles of community building, knowledge exchange, and security management remain as relevant as ever. These principles guide our work at MicroSolved, as we navigate the complexities of protecting enterprise systems in an interconnected world.

To those aspiring to make a mark in cybersecurity, my advice is to nurture your curiosity. Dive deep into technology, join communities, share your knowledge, and keep pushing the boundaries. The digital world is vast, and much like the BBS days, there’s always something new on the horizon.

Thank you for reading. I hope my journey from running a BBS to leading a cybersecurity firm inspires you to pursue your passions and explore the endless possibilities in the digital realm.


*AI was used in the creation of this content. It created the final draft based on a series of interviews and Q&A sessions with an AI engine. All content is true and based on my words and ideas in those interviews and Q&A sessions.

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