How to Use N-Shot and Chain of Thought Prompting


Imagine unlocking the hidden prowess of artificial intelligence by simply mastering the art of conversation. Within the realm of language processing, there lies a potent duo: N-Shot and Chain of Thought prompting. Many are still unfamiliar with these innovative approaches that help machines mimic human reasoning.


*Image from ChatGPT

N-Shot prompting, a concept derived from few-shot learning, has shaken the very foundations of machine interaction with its promise of enhanced performance through iterations. Meanwhile, Chain of Thought Prompting emerges as a game-changer for complex cognitive tasks, carving logical pathways for AI to follow. Together, they redefine how we engage with language models, setting the stage for advancements in prompt engineering.

In this journey of discovery, we’ll delve into the intricacies of prompt engineering, learn how to navigate the sophisticated dance of N-Shot Prompts for intricate tasks, and harness the sequential clarity of Chain of Thought Prompting to unravel complexities. Let us embark on this illuminating odyssey into the heart of language model proficiency.

What is N-Shot Prompting?

N-shot prompting is a technique employed with language models, particularly advanced ones like GPT-3 and 4, Claude, Gemini, etc., to enhance the way these models handle complex tasks. The “N” in N-shot stands for a specific number, which reflects the number of input-output examples—or ‘shots’—provided to the model. By offering the model a set series of examples, we establish a pattern for it to follow. This helps to condition the model to generate responses that are consistent with the provided examples.

The concept of N-shot prompting is crucial when dealing with domains or tasks that don’t have a vast supply of training data. It’s all about striking the perfect balance: too few examples could lead the model to overfit, limiting its ability to generalize its outputs to different inputs. On the flip side, generously supplying examples—sometimes a dozen or more—is often necessary for reliable and quality performance. In academia, it’s common to see the use of 32-shot or 64-shot prompts as they tend to lead to more consistent and accurate outputs. This method is about guiding and refining the model’s responses based on the demonstrated task examples, significantly boosting the quality and reliability of the outputs it generates.

Understanding the concept of few-shot prompting

Few-shot prompting is a subset of N-shot prompting where “few” indicates the limited number of examples a model receives to guide its output. This approach is tailored for large language models like GPT-3, which utilize these few examples to improve their responses to similar task prompts. By integrating a handful of tailored input-output pairs—as few as one, three, or five—the model engages in what’s known as “in-context learning,” which enhances its ability to comprehend various tasks more effectively and deliver accurate results.

Few-shot prompts are crafted to overcome the restrictions presented by zero-shot capabilities, where a model attempts to infer correct responses without any prior examples. By providing the model with even a few carefully selected demonstrations, the intention is to boost the model’s performance especially when it comes to complex tasks. The effectiveness of few-shot prompting can vary: depending on whether it’s a 1-shot, 3-shot, or 5-shot, these refined demonstrations can greatly influence the model’s ability to handle complex prompts successfully.

Exploring the benefits and limitations of N-shot prompting

N-shot prompting has its distinct set of strengths and challenges. By offering the model an assortment of input-output pairs, it becomes better at pattern recognition within the context of those examples. However, if too few examples are on the table, the model might overfit, which could result in a downturn in output quality when it encounters a varied range of inputs. Academically speaking, using a higher number of shots, such as 32 or 64, in the prompting strategy often leads to better model outcomes.

Unlike fine-tuning methodologies, which actively teach the model new information, N-shot prompting instead directs the model toward generating outputs that align with learned patterns. This limits its adaptability when venturing into entirely new domains or tasks. While N-shot prompting can efficiently steer language models towards more desirable outputs, its efficacy is somewhat contingent on the quantity and relevance of the task-specific data it is provided with. Additionally, it might not always stand its ground against models that have undergone extensive fine-tuning in specific scenarios.

In conclusion, N-shot prompting serves a crucial role in the performance of language models, particularly in domain-specific tasks. However, understanding its scope and limitations is vital to apply this advanced prompt engineering technique effectively.

What is Chain of Thought (CoT) Prompting?

Chain of Thought (CoT) Prompting is a sophisticated technique used to enhance the reasoning capabilities of language models, especially when they are tasked with complex issues that require multi-step logic and problem-solving. CoT prompting is essentially about programming a language model to think aloud—breaking down problems into more manageable steps and providing a sequential narrative of its thought process. By doing so, the model articulates its reasoning path, from initial consideration to the final answer. This narrative approach is akin to the way humans tackle puzzles: analyzing the issue at hand, considering various factors, and then synthesizing the information to reach a conclusion.

The application of CoT prompting has shown to be particularly impactful for language models dealing with intricate tasks that go beyond simple Q&A formats, like mathematical problems, scientific explanations, or even generating stories requiring logical structuring. It serves as an aid that navigates the model through the intricacies of the problem, ensuring each step is logically connected and making the thought process transparent.

Overview of CoT prompting and its role in complex reasoning tasks

In dealing with complex reasoning tasks, Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting plays a transformative role. Its primary function is to turn the somewhat opaque wheelwork of a language model’s “thinking” into a visible and traceable process. By employing CoT prompting, a model doesn’t just leap to conclusions; it instead mirrors human problem-solving behaviors by tackling tasks in a piecemeal fashion—each step building upon and deriving from the previous one.

This clearer narrative path fosters a deeper contextual understanding, enabling language models to provide not only accurate but also coherent responses. The step-by-step guidance serves as a more natural way for the model to learn and master the task at hand. Moreover, with the advent of larger language models, the effectiveness of CoT prompting becomes even more pronounced. These gargantuan neural networks—with their vast amounts of parameters—are better equipped to handle the sophisticated layering of prompts that CoT requires. This synergy between CoT and large models enriches the output, making them more apt for educational settings where clarity in reasoning is as crucial as the final answer.

Understanding the concept of zero-shot CoT prompting

Zero-shot Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting can be thought of as a language model’s equivalent of being thrown into the deep end without a flotation device—in this scenario, the “flotation device” being prior specific examples to guide its responses. In zero-shot CoT, the model is expected to undertake complex reasoning on the spot, crafting a step-by-step path to resolution without the benefit of hand-picked examples to set the stage.

This method is particularly invaluable when addressing mathematical or logic-intensive problems that may befuddle language models. Here, providing additional context via CoT enabling intermediate reasoning steps paves the way to more accurate outputs. The rationale behind zero-shot CoT relies on the model’s ability to create its narrative of understanding, producing interim conclusions that ultimately lead to a coherent final answer.

Crucially, zero-shot CoT aligns with a dual-phase operation: reasoning extraction followed by answer extraction. With reasoning extraction, the model lays out its thought process, effectively setting its context. The subsequent phase utilizes this path of thought to derive the correct answer, thus rendering the overall task resolution more reliable and substantial. As advancements in artificial intelligence continue, techniques such as zero-shot CoT will only further bolster the quality and depth of language model outputs across various fields and applications.

Importance of Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is a potent prompt engineering technique that significantly influences the reasoning process of language models, particularly when implementing methods such as chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting. The careful construction of prompts is absolutely vital to steering language models through a logical sequence of thoughts, ensuring the delivery of coherent and correct answers to complex problems. For instance, in a CoT setup, sequential logic is of the essence, as each prompt is meticulously designed to build upon the previous one, much like constructing a narrative or solving a puzzle step by step.

In terms directly related to the ubiquity and function of various prompting techniques, it’s important to distinguish between zero-shot and few-shot prompts. Zero-shot prompting shines with straightforward efficiency, allowing language models to process normal instructions without any additional context or pre-feeding with examples. This is particularly useful when there is a need for quick and general understanding. On the flip side, few-shot prompting provides the model with a set of examples to prime its “thought process,” thereby greatly improving its competency in handling more nuanced or complex tasks.

The art and science of prompt engineering cannot be overstated as it conditions these digital brains—the language models—to not only perform but excel across a wide range of applications. The ultimate goal is always to have a model that can interface seamlessly with human queries and provide not just answers, but meaningful interaction and understanding.

Exploring the role of prompt engineering in enhancing the performance of language models

The practice of prompt engineering serves as a master key for unlocking the potential of large language models. By strategically crafting prompts, engineers can significantly refine a model’s output, weighing heavily on factors like consistency and specificity. A prime example of such manipulation is the temperature setting within the OpenAI API which can control the randomness in output, ultimately influencing the precision and predictability of language model responses.

Furthermore, prompt engineers must often deconstruct complex tasks into a series of smaller, more manageable actions. These actions may include recognizing grammatical elements, generating specific types of sentences, or even performing grammatical correctness checks. Such detailed engineering allows language models to tackle a task step by step, mirroring human cognitive strategies.

Generated knowledge prompting is another technique indicative of the sophistication of prompt engineering. This tool enables a language model to venture into uncharted territories—answering questions on new or less familiar topics by generating knowledge from provided examples. As a direct consequence, the model becomes capable of offering informed responses even when it has not been directly trained on specific subject matter.

Altogether, the potency of prompt engineering is seen in the tailored understanding it provides to language models, resulting in outputs that are not only accurate but also enriched with the seemingly intuitive grasp of the assigned tasks.

Techniques and strategies for effective prompt engineering

Masterful prompt engineering involves a symbiosis of strategies and tactics, all aiming to enhance the performance of language models. At the heart of these strategies lies the deconstruction of tasks into incremental, digestible steps that guide the model through the completion of each. For example, in learning a new concept, a language model might first be prompted to identify key information before synthesizing it into a coherent answer.

Among the arsenal of techniques is generated knowledge prompting, an approach that equips language models to handle questions about unfamiliar subjects by drawing on the context and structure of provided examples. This empowerment facilitates a more adaptable and resourceful AI capable of venturing beyond its training data.

Furthermore, the careful and deliberate design of prompts serves as a beacon for language models, illuminating the path to better understanding and more precise outcomes. As a strategy, the use of techniques like zero-shot prompting, few-shot prompting, delimiters, and detailed steps is not just effective but necessary for refining the quality of model performance.

Conditioning language models with specific instructions or context is tantamount to tuning an instrument; it ensures that the probabilistic engine within produces the desired melody of outputs. It is this level of calculated and thoughtful direction that empowers language models to not only answer with confidence but also with relevance and utility.

Table: Prompt Engineering Techniques for Language Models





Zero-shot prompting

Providing normal instructions without additional context

General understanding of tasks

Quick and intuitively geared responses

Few-shot prompting

Conditioning the model with examples

Complex task specialization

Enhances model’s accuracy and depth of knowledge

Generated knowledge prompting

Learning to generate answers on new topics

Unfamiliar subject matter questions

Allows for broader topical engagement and learning

Use of delimiters

Structuring responses using specific markers

Task organization

Provides clear output segmentation for better comprehension

Detailed steps

Breaking down tasks into smaller chunks

Complex problem-solving

Facilitates easier model navigation through a problem

List: Strategies for Effective Prompt Engineering

  1. Dismantle complex tasks into smaller, manageable parts.
  2. Craft prompts to build on successive information logically.
  3. Adjust model parameters like temperature to fine-tune output randomness.
  4. Use few-shot prompts to provide context and frame model thinking.
  5. Implement generated knowledge prompts to enhance topic coverage.
  6. Design prompts to guide models through a clear thought process.
  7. Provide explicit output format instructions to shape model responses.

Utilizing N-Shot Prompting for Complex Tasks

N-shot prompting stands as an advanced technique within the realm of prompt engineering, where a sequence of input-output examples (N indicating the number) is presented to a language model. This method holds considerable value for specific domains or tasks where examples are scarce, carving out a pathway for the model to identify patterns and generalize its capabilities. More so, N-shot prompts can be pivotal for models to grasp complex reasoning tasks, offering them a rich tapestry of examples from which to learn and refine their outputs. It’s a facet of prompt engineering that empowers a language model with enhanced in-context learning, allowing for outputs that not only resonate with fluency but also with a deepened understanding of particular subjects or challenges.

Applying N-shot Prompting to Handle Complex Reasoning Tasks

N-shot prompting is particularly robust when applied to complex reasoning tasks. By feeding a model several examples prior to requesting its own generation, it learns the nuances and subtleties required for new tasks—delivering an added layer of instruction that goes beyond the learning from its training data. This variant of prompt engineering is a gateway to leveraging the latent potential of language models, catalyzing innovation and sophistication in a multitude of fields. Despite its power, N-shot prompting does come with caveats; the breadth of context offered may not always lead to consistent or predictable outcomes due to the intrinsic variability of model responses.

Breakdown of Reasoning Steps Using Few-Shot Examples

The use of few-shot prompting is an effective stratagem for dissecting and conveying large, complex tasks to language models. These prompts act as a guiding light, showcasing sample responses that the model can emulate. Beyond this, chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting serves to outline the series of logical steps required to understand and solve intricate problems. The synergy between few-shot examples and CoT prompting enhances the machine’s ability to produce not just any answer, but the correct one. This confluence of examples and sequencing provides a scaffold upon which the language model can climb to reach a loftier height of problem-solving proficiency.

Incorporating Additional Context in N-shot Prompts for Better Understanding

In the tapestry of prompt engineering, the intricacy of N-shot prompting is woven with threads of context. Additional examples serve as a compass, orienting the model towards producing well-informed responses to tasks it has yet to encounter. The hierarchical progression from zero-shot through one-shot to few-shot prompting demonstrates a tangible elevation in model performance, underscoring the necessity for careful prompt structuring. The phenomenon of in-context learning further illuminates why the introduction of additional context in prompts can dramatically enrich a model’s comprehension and output.

Table: N-shot Prompting Examples and Their Impact

Number of Examples (N)

Type of Prompting

Impact on Performance



General baseline understanding



Some contextual learning increases

≥ 2

Few-shot (N-shot)

Considerably improved in-context performance

List: Enhancing Model Comprehension through N-shot Prompting

  1. Determine the complexity of the task at hand and the potential number of examples required.
  2. Collect or construct a series of high-quality input-output examples.
  3. Introduce these examples sequentially to the model before the actual task.
  4. Ensure the examples are representative of the problem’s breadth.
  5. Observe the model’s outputs and refine the prompts as needed to improve consistency.

By thoughtfully applying these guidelines and considering the depth of the tasks, N-shot prompting can dramatically enhance the capabilities of language models to tackle a wide spectrum of complex problems.

Leveraging Chain of Thought Prompting for Complex Reasoning

Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting emerges as a game-changing prompt engineering technique that revolutionizes the way language models handle complex reasoning across various fields, including arithmetic, commonsense assessments, and even code generation. Where traditional approaches may lead to unsatisfactory results, embracing the art of CoT uncovers the model’s hidden layers of cognitive capabilities. This advanced method works by meticulously molding the model’s reasoning process, ushering it through a series of intelligently designed prompts that build upon one another. With each subsequent prompt, the entire narrative becomes clearer, akin to a teacher guiding a student to a eureka moment with a sequence of carefully chosen questions.

Utilizing CoT prompting to perform complex reasoning in manageable steps

The finesse of CoT prompting lies in its capacity to deconstruct convoluted reasoning tasks into discrete, logical increments, thereby making the incomprehensible, comprehensible. To implement this strategy, one must first dissect the overarching task into a series of smaller, interconnected subtasks. Next, one must craft specific, targeted prompts for each of these sub-elements, ensuring a seamless, logical progression from one prompt to the next. This consists not just of deploying the right language but also of establishing an unambiguous connection between the consecutive steps, setting the stage for the model to intuitively grasp and navigate the reasoning pathway. When CoT prompting is effectively employed, the outcomes are revealing: enhanced model accuracy and a demystified process that can be universally understood and improved upon.

Using intermediate reasoning steps to guide the language model

Integral to CoT prompting is the use of intermediate reasoning steps – a kind of intellectual stepping stone approach that enables the language model to traverse complex problem landscapes with grace. It is through these incremental contemplations that the model gauges various problem dimensions, enriching its understanding and decision-making prowess. Like a detective piecing together clues, CoT facilitates a step-by-step analysis that guides the model towards the most logical and informed response. Such a strategy not only elevates the precision of the outcomes but also illuminates the thought process for those who peer into the model’s inner workings, providing a transparent, logical narrative that underpins its resulting outputs.

Enhancing the output format to present complex reasoning tasks effectively

As underscored by research, such as Fu et al. 2023, the depth of reasoning articulated within the prompts – the number of steps in the chain – can directly amplify the effectiveness of a model’s response to multifaceted tasks. By prioritizing complex reasoning chains through consistency-based selection methods, one can distill a superior response from the model. This structured chain-like scaffolding not only helps large models better demonstrate their performance but also presents a logical progression that users can follow and trust. As CoT prompting forges ahead, it is becoming increasingly evident that it leads to more precise, coherent, and reliable outputs, particularly in handling sophisticated reasoning tasks. This approach not only augments the success rate of tackling such tasks but also ensures that the journey to the answer is just as informative as the conclusion itself.

Table: Impact of CoT Prompting on Language Model Performance

Task Complexity

CoT Prompting Implementation

Model Performance Impact


Minimal CoT steps

Marginal improvement


Moderate CoT steps

Noticeable improvement


Extensive CoT steps

Significant improvement

List: Steps to Implement CoT Prompting

  1. Identify the main task and break it down into smaller reasoning segments.
  2. Craft precise prompts for each segment, ensuring logical flow and clarity.
  3. Sequentially apply the prompts, monitoring the language model’s responses.
  4. Evaluate the coherence and accuracy of the model’s output, making iterative adjustments as necessary.
  5. Refine and expand the CoT prompt sequences for consistent results across various complexity levels.

By adhering to these detailed strategies and prompt engineering best practices, CoT prompting stands as a cornerstone for elevating the cognitive processing powers of language models to new, unprecedented heights.

Exploring Advanced Techniques in Prompting

In the ever-evolving realm of artificial intelligence, advanced techniques in prompting stand as critical pillars in mastering the complexity of language model interactions. Amongst these, Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting has been pivotal, facilitating Large Language Models (LLMs) to unravel intricate problems with greater finesse. Unlike the constrained scope of few-shot prompting, which provides only a handful of examples to nudge the model along, CoT prompting dives deeper, employing a meticulous breakdown of problems into digestible, intermediate steps. Echoing the subtleties of human cognition, this technique revolves around the premise of step-by-step logic descriptions, carving a pathway toward more reliable and nuanced responses.

While CoT excels in clarity and methodical progression, the art of Prompt Engineering breathes life into the model’s cold computations. Task decomposition becomes an orchestral arrangement where each cue and guidepost steers the conversation from ambiguity to precision. Directional Stimulus Prompting is one such maestro in the ensemble, offering context-specific cues to solicit the most coherent outputs, marrying the logical with the desired.

In this symphony of advanced techniques, N-shot and few-shot prompting play crucial roles. Few-shot prompting, with its example-laden approach, primes the language models for improved context learning—weaving the fabric of acquired knowledge with the threads of immediate context. As for N-shot prompting, the numeric flexibility allows adaptation based on the task at hand, infusing the model with a dose of experience that ranges from a minimalist sketch to a detailed blueprint of responses.

When harmonizing these advanced techniques in prompt engineering, one can tailor the conversations with LLMs to be as rich and varied as the tasks they are set to accomplish. By leveraging a combination of these sophisticated methods, prompt engineers can optimize the interaction with LLMs, ensuring each question not only finds an answer but does so through a transparent, intellectually rigorous journey.

Utilizing contextual learning to improve reasoning and response generation

Contextual learning is the cornerstone of effective reasoning in artificial intelligence. Chain-of-thought prompting epitomizes this principle by engineering prompts that lay out sequential reasoning steps akin to leaving breadcrumbs along the path to the ultimate answer. In this vein, a clear narrative emerges—each sentence unfurling the logic that naturally leads to the subsequent one, thereby improving both reasoning capabilities and response generation.

Multimodal CoT plays a particularly significant role in maintaining coherence between various forms of input and output. Whether it’s text generation for storytelling or a complex equation to be solved, linking prompts ensures a consistent thread is woven through the narrative. Through this, models can maintain a coherent chain of thought—a crucial ability for accurate question answering.

Moreover, few-shot prompting plays a pivotal role in honing the model’s aptitude by providing exemplary input-output pairs. This not only serves as a learning foundation for complex tasks but also embeds a nuance of contextual learning within the model. By conditioning models with a well-curated set of examples, we effectively leverage in-context learning, guiding the model to respond with heightened acumen. As implied by the term N-shot prompting, the number of examples (N) acts as a variable that shapes the model’s learning curve, with each additional example further enriching its contextual understanding.

Evaluating the performance of language models in complex reasoning tasks

The foray into complex reasoning has revealed disparities in language model capabilities. Smaller models tend to struggle with maintaining logical thought chains, which can lead to a decline in accuracy, thus underscoring the importance of properly structured prompts. The triumph of CoT prompting hinges on its symbiotic relationship with the model’s capacity. Therefore, the grandeur of LLMs, facilitated by CoT, shows a marked performance improvement, which can be directly traced back to the size and complexity of the model itself.

The ascendancy of prompt-based techniques tells a tale of transformation—where error rates plummet as the precision and interpretiveness of prompts amplify. Each prompt becomes a trial, and the model’s ability to respond with fewer errors becomes the measure of success. By incorporating a few well-chosen examples via few-shot prompting, we bolster the model’s understanding and thus enhance its performance, particularly on tasks embroiled in complex reasoning.

Table: Prompting Techniques and Model Performance Evaluation

Prompting Technique

Task Complexity

Impact on Model Performance

Few-Shot Prompting


Moderately improves understanding

Chain of Thought Prompting


Significantly enhances accuracy

Directional Stimulus Prompting

Low to Medium

Ensures consistent output

N-Shot Prompting


Flexibly optimizes based on N

The approaches outlined impact the model differentially, with the choice of technique being pivotal to the success of the outcome.

Understanding the role of computational resources in implementing advanced prompting techniques

Advanced prompting techniques hold the promise of precision, yet they do not stand without cost. Implementing such strategies as few-shot and CoT prompting incurs computational overhead. Retrieval processes become more complex as the model sifts through a larger array of information, evaluating and incorporating the database of examples it has been conditioned with.

The caliber of the retrieved information is proportional to the performance outcome. Hence, the computational investment often parallels the quality of the response. Exploiting the versatility of few-shot prompting can economize computational expenditure by allowing for experimentation with a multitude of prompt variations. This leads to performance enhancement without an excessive manual workload or human bias.

Breaking problems into successive steps for CoT prompting guides the language model through a task, placing additional demands on computational resources, yet ensuring a methodical approach to problem-solving. Organizations may find it necessary to engage in more extensive computational efforts, such as domain-specific fine-tuning of LLMs, particularly when precise model adaptation surpasses the reach of few-shot capabilities.

Thus, while the techniques offer immense upside, the interplay between the richness of prompts and available computational resources remains a pivotal aspect of their practical implementation.


In the evolving realm of artificial intelligence, Prompt Engineering has emerged as a crucial aspect. N-Shot prompting plays a key role by offering a language model a set of examples before requesting its own output, effectively priming the model for the task. This enhances the model’s context learning, essentially using few-shot prompts as a template for new input.

Chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting complements this by tackling complex tasks, guiding the model through a sequence of logical and intermediate reasoning steps. It dissects intricate problems into more manageable steps, promoting a structured approach that encourages the model to display complex reasoning tasks transparently.

When combined, these prompt engineering techniques yield superior results. Few-shot CoT prompting gives the computational resources the dual benefit of example-driven context and logically parsed problem-solving. Even in the absence of examples, as with Zero-Shot CoT, the step-by-step reasoning still helps language models perform better on complex tasks.

CoT ultimately achieves two objectives: reasoning extraction and answer extraction. The former facilitates the generation of detailed context, while the latter utilizes said context for formulating correct answers, improving the performance of language models across a spectrum of complex reasoning tasks.

Prompt Type




Provides multiple training examples

N-shot prompts

Chains of Thought

Break down tasks into steps

Sequence of prompts

Combined CoT

Enhance understanding with examples

Few-shot examples


* AI tools were used as a research assistant for this content.


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